Arabic for Bellydancers - Ma Fi Nom

كلمات أغنية ما في نوم - نجوى كرم
kalimaat oghniyat ma fi nom - najwa karam
Lyrics to the song Ma Fi Nom by Najwa Karam

(singing the sounds of the tableh/doumbek)

ما في نوم بعد اليوم ما في نوم
ma fi nom b3d elyom ma fi nom
there is no sleep after today, no sleep

الا جنبك حبيبي
ila janbak 7abibi
unless (it's) beside you my darling

انا بدي جن ما رح كن بدي جن
ana bedi jan ma ra7 kan bedi jan
I want to go crazy, I won't be calm, I want to go crazy

وشوف السما قريبة
wa shouf assmaa 2reebeh
and see the sky (become) close

ويله ويله ويله, ويله ويله ويله
weila weila weila, weila weila weila
woe is me (repeated)

تمخطر يا قلبي المغروم
tamukhtar ya 2elbi elmaghrom
take a chance, oh my infatuated heart

ما في نوم بعد اليوم ما في نوم
ma fi nom b3d elyom ma fi nom
there is no sleep after today, no sleep

الا جنبك حبيبي
ileh janbak 7abibi
unless (it's) beside you my darling

انا بدي جن ما رح كن بدي جن
ana bedi jan ma ra7 kan bedi jan
I want to go crazy, I won't be calm, I want to go crazy

وشوف السما قريبة
wa shouf assmaa 2reebeh
and see the sky (become) close

(singing the sounds of the tableh/doumbek)

(musical section)

غمض عيونك وتفرج عليي
ghamud 3iyounak wa tafaraj 3lei
close your eyes and watch me

بفرجيك جنونك شو بيعمل فيي
bifarjik janoubak shou biy3mel fii
I'll show you (what) your craziness does to me

غمض عيونك وتفرج عليي
ghamud 3iyounak wa tafaraj 3lei
close your eyes and watch me

بفرجيك جنونك شو بيعمل فيي
bifarjik janoubak shou biy3mel fii
I'll show you (what) your craziness does to me

تهمس بشفاقك حنية, وتجنني الهمسات
tahmes bishefaa2ak 7eniyeh, wa tejanni elhamsaat
(when) you whisper with your tender affection, your soft words drive me crazy

تلمس بايدك ايدي, وتجنني اللمسات
telmes b2idak 2idei, wa tejanni ellemsaat
(when) your hand touches my hand, your touch drives me crazy

ويدوم الهوى, دايم دوم
wa yedoum elhawa, daayim doum
and the love continues (lasts, endures), on and on

ويله ويله ويله, ويله ويله ويله
weila weila weila, weila weila weila
woe is me (repeated)

تمخطر يا قلبي المغروم
tamukhtar ya 2elbi elmaghrom
take a chance, oh my infatuated heart

ما في نوم بعد اليوم ما في نوم
ma fi nom b3d elyom ma fi nom
there is no sleep after today, no sleep

الا جنبك حبيبي
ileh janbak 7abibi
unless (it's) beside you my darling

انا بدي جن ما رح كن بدي جن
ana bedi jan ma ra7 kan bedi jan
I want to go crazy, I won't be calm, I want to go crazy

وشوف السما قريبة
wa shouf assmaa 2reebeh
and see the sky (become) close

(singing the sounds of the tableh/doumbek)

(musical section)

اوعى تبعد عني, بشاتاقلك بغيابك
ow3a teb3d 3ni, bishaataa2lak bighyaabak
pay attention (when) you're far from me, I miss you in your absence

ضلك قرب مني, حتى شم تيابك
dalak 2rab mini, 7ta sham tiyaabak
stay close to me, until I can smell your clothes

اوعى تبعد عني, بشاتاقلك بغيابك
ow3a teb3d 3ni, bishaataa2lak bighyaabak
pay attention (when) you're far from me, I miss you in your absence

ضلك قرب مني, حتى شم تيابك
dalak 2rab mini, 7ta sham tiyaabak
stay close to me, until I can smell your clothes

انا روحي وقلبي وعينيي عحسابك
ana roo7i wa gelbi wa 3ini 37asaabak
my soul and my heart and my eyes are yours

ويله ويله ويله, ويله ويله ويله
weila weila weila, weila weila weila
woe is me (repeated)

تمخطر يا قلبي المغروم
tamukhtar ya 2elbi elmaghrom
take a chance, oh my infatuated heart

ما في نوم بعد اليوم ما في نوم
ma fi nom b3d elyom ma fi nom
there is no sleep after today, no sleep

الا جنبك حبيبي
ileh janbak 7abibi
unless (it's) beside you my darling

انا بدي جن ما رح كن بدي جن
ana bedi jan ma ra7 kan bedi jan
I want to go crazy, I won't be calm, I want to go crazy

وشوف السما قريبة
wa shouf assmaa 2reebeh
and see the sky (become) close

(singing the sounds of the tableh/doumbek)

3 = ع aiyn
2 = ء hamza (guttural stop)
7 = ح Haa
kh = خ khaa
gh = غ ghayn

The following page was used as a helpful aid:

***I don't mind if you use any of this for your personal use, so please feel free to share. If you would like to post it on your personal site (website, blog, etc), please just be kind and put a link back to this page for me - translating songs takes time, and I would really appreciate it :) Happy Dancing <3

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I fell in love with belly dancing when I was 16 years old. I was a Russian dancer with a group from my church and we were performing at an international party when I saw belly dancing for the first time. I couldn't stop watching the dancer and decided from that point on that I would focus all of my dance energy on belly dancing. The rest is history...


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